Tuesday, September 20, 2016


You're invited to the
Embody the Awakening
Body Image Sexuality Workshop
In my experience, there is no way to separate our sexuality from our willingness to accept our bodies and love ourselves. Our sexuality is a beautiful aspect of how we experience life. Without our willingess to feel pleasure and intimacy, we block the most powerful connection to ourselves.
Sexuality isn't always about THE OTHER. It is about how we feel ourselves. It is about how comfortable we are with feeling juicy, full and alive. To some, this may feel super scary. I totally get it. To feel pleasure and allow for sensuality in our bodies can feel unsafe.  We can feel violated or scared. I've been there. I remember walking down the streets of NYC so uncomfortable with the catcalls and looks. I would duck, hide, put my head down. I remember getting so upset I screamed at a man at the top of my lungs, " GET THE F&*K out of my face!!!" Ummmm..... not the best response, but at that moment I was doing the best that I could. 
Being comfortable in my body as a sensual, sexual woman has been and continues to be a journey. (BTW when I say sexual, I am not talking about playing SEXY and pretending. I'm talking about the authentic expression of  an empowered woman.) Through my continual study of tantra with the great Dawn Cartwright and my recent completion of The Artemis School, for Women's Sexual Wellness, I have learned more about my body and how POWERFUL we are as women.
This is why I have created Embody the Awakening - a Love Your Body Sexuality Workshop. If you are ready to take a step into accepting your femininity and sexuality, I would love to have you join my Love Your Body Sexuality Workshop.
Are you curious? Want more information? Then let's chat.

I want to know about YOU, your story and how I can support you into creating the kind of relationship with your body that makes your life thrive. EMAIL ME 
Interested and need more information?
Please EMAIL ME to schedule a conversation

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