Sunday, May 10, 2015

You Eat Like a Truck Driver

"You are not Fat, Just Solid."
"Hold your belly in."
" Enjoy that chocolate now while you can, it's gonna catch up to you."
" Are you SURE you want another helping?"
What was said to you as a child? Many of us were given messages that our bodies were wrong and our weight needed to be controlled. We were taught early on that food was an enemy. Food would inevitably make you fat. And fat was bad ...really really bad! Fat essentially meant you wouldn't be loved.
"You eat like a truck driver."
"Stay thin or your husband will leave you for a thinner younger woman."
"Keep eating that way and you'll end up fat like your mom."
We often have beliefs and thoughts soaring through our heads that aren't even ours. What if you could take these beliefs and send them back to their rightful owner? Mother. Sister. Dad. Aunt.  
Sometimes we live our whole life without asking- "Is that belief true?" Is it? Is it true that you aren't loved if you weigh 10 pounds more? Is it true your life will suck because you eat 'too much' ice cream? Our beliefs create our reality. Believe it and it becomes true. Create a story and stick to it and then create behaviors and a life that affirms that belief.
As women, we are perpetuating our own fears by teaching our daughters and younger girls to be discontent with their bodies. The cycle goes on and on and on. Did you know that 80% of 10-year-old girls have been on a diet? Most young girls have a similar belief about their bodies as their mothers.
This is a post from the Body Image Project Blog. It has endless posts from anonymous young girls pouring their hearts out about their bodies. Check out this post: "At the age of sixteen, you would think that the only thing a girl would have to worry about is school or getting her drivers license. But no, not me. I have to look in the mirror everyday and see an ugly and fat girl staring back. I cry all the time about it. I hate myself. I want to be skinny. Actually, I feel like I have to be skinny. This world we live in isn't fair. It's just so hard trying to workout and diet everyday and then see no results. I'm trapped...I want to get out of this. "
We need to WAKE UP and acknowledge that our own beliefs about our bodies affect those around us! Do you want your daughter or niece to dislike their body? Then stop putting yourself down! Cultivate a love for yourself. The best way to teach acceptance and love is to model it. We know this and yet somehow we forget it when it comes to our bodies. Young children are being physically and psychologically harmed and our own beliefs will make an impact.
I feel it is my responsibility to LOVE MY BODY, so I can teach young girls around me that they too can love their bodies.
If you struggle with loving your body and want to make a drastic change in your own life and the women you love, join my upcoming workshop LOVE YOUR BODY LOVE YOURSELF WORKSHOP.
Why telling someone to
Why telling someone to "Love Your Body" is triggering.
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Why telling someone to Love Your Body is Triggering

Love your Body Love Yourself Workshop May 9th
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Why telling someone to
Why telling someone to "Love Your Body" is triggering.

Do you Love Your Body?

Most women get triggered by this question. They feel they can only love their bodies once their weight is perfect, food is under control and they have the partner of their dreams.
I get it! It didn't matter how many compliments I was given. I couldn't authentically love my body. I was so afraid of being fat that I constantly controlled my food & exercised like crazy.

I'm not saying that it is easy to love yourself.
However, what is the alternative?
Is hating your body and dieting working for you? Has it gotten you any long-term weight loss? Have you controlled yourself to a stable weight, but you still feel like CRAP? Or are you awaiting the day where you've got it all under control and then you'll love yourself?
None of this worked for me either. It kept me binge, restrictive and emotionally eating.  
Why does it matter if I love or hate my body?
Maybe you don't realize the depth of how disliking your body impacts your life. The truth is it affects everything! Your relationships, your work, your health! EVERYTHING! How?   When you are only thinking about food and your body, you miss out on so much LIFE!!!   If you are constantly fighting your body, your life will never feel Joyful and Fun.
Are you
  • thinking about dinner while you are eating lunch?
  • in fear that 'the guy' won't like you because the size of your thighs?
  • feeling your life is getting smaller and smaller because of your obsession with your body and food?
  • isolating? Hiding from parties and gatherings because you are afraid of the food. Or you made it to the party, however the food is talking louder than the person you are in conversation with?
  • not feeling confident at work?
  • eating cold pizza quickly hoping no one will notice?
When you find peace with your body and your food, life changes on ALL levels. Your relationship to your body affects every experience in your life!
How would it feel to love and care for yourself no matter what you ate or how you looked?
What would it be like to be kinder, more compassionate to yourself ?
Would you have more time, love, creativity, freedom?
When I finally loved my body, my weight balanced & food choices were easier. I began to enjoy exercise in a whole new way.   Through my own struggles with body dissatisfaction, I have created a method that
will allow you to jump over years of obsessing about your body and straight to LOVE. I can help you break the cycle of self hatred.
I want to teach YOU how!
Are you ready to change your life?   
Join my Upcoming LOVE YOUR BODY LOVE YOURSELF WORKSHOP on May 9 th in LA to learn how to Love your Body and Love your Life!

This one day women's workshop will reboot your relationship with your body. I will lead your through a journey of self discovery and reprogramming. It is a day full of movement, art therapy, breath-work, sharing, and much much more.
EMAIL ME for more information or register RIGHT NOW.

 Love Your Body Love Yourself|310-926-9163 | E-mail | Website

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