I have been sharing my "Love Your Body Love Yourself
Workshops" in select cities. Now, YOU have the opportunity to experience
this profound and life changing workshop from the comfort of your own
The tools I share with you will not only change the way you see
yourself, but change the way you actually look! If you are constantly
talking down to yourself, sabotaging your good eating and exercise
routine and are sick of feeling badly about yourself, then PLEASE Join
You don't have to feel this way!l
If you have a sister, friend daughter or wife that would benefit from
this workshop, please pass it along!!! It is time to start a new
revolution of adoring and
loving our bodies.
When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see?
Many women don’t!! We criticize, compare and pressure ourselves to look PERFECT.
What if you loved yourself RIGHT NOW? I can show you how!
4 Week Tele Class~Thursdays October 2-23
$225 ( Before September 15th $175)
If you can't attend every week,you will receive the recordings
Register atMarlaMervisReiki.com or email mmreiki6@