Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Life without Traffic

At first glance, 2013 looked anything but quiet and peaceful. I gave birth to my son, lived in Kauai, LA and Oregon. I  traveled to Europe &across the country a few times. I moved to Ashland and upon arrival had to flee from forest fires to the clean air of LA(ironic).
   It has been a journey, learning to be a mama and wife while still authentically be me. Often, I have surges of creativity pulse through me and feel that I can't act on them immediately because I need to change a diaper. This example and many others has helped me to learn the lessons of surrender and trust like I've never experienced it before. From all my challenges and learning opportunities, I have found a deeper peace within myself.

   My life in Los Angeles has been a fabulous place to manifest my dreams. With all the great events and dynamic people, there is always excitement and passion. I love LA. However, I must admit, the lifestyle sometimes left me drained and depleted. Luckily, I had reiki to help keep me at ease.  I believe that reiki is more than just a hands on healing experience. I think reiki is the energy that helps me make decisions that are in the best alignment for peace and well being. Moving to Ashland, without the constant traffic and go go go has allowed me to slow down and enjoy my life more. Life is simpler and quieter. Maybe I am just getting older, but it seems to suit me well.
Now all that being said, we are coming back to LA to share some workshops and see our beloved community! I hope to see you!

An Evening in "Loving Presence"