Last year, I performed an experiment. I sent one
of my dear clients Reiki daily. During this year, he received tremendous
joy and expansion in his life.
Much to my amazement, he gave me the gift of $10,000. I was blown away by his generosity.
I had to allow my receiving box to expand to
receive his gift. His generosity, along with my commitment to sharing
Reiki, has inspired me to make this offering available to all.
I would like to send YOU Reiki every single day. I would like to make
EVERYDAY REIKI accessible to you and your loved ones. For a dollar a day, you can receive Reiki.
You can sign up for 1 month, six-months, or a year.
Reiki is cumulative. The more you receive, the more love, light and joy is
available to you.
Why not give yourself and your loved ones the gift of the year?
(A full year costs less than a dollar per day!)
Join NOW and the rest of 2016 is
Benefits of Ongoing Reiki:
*More Energy *Better Sleep *Recharge your Battery
*More Creativity * Better Sex Life * Release of Shame and Guilt
*Over-all Calmness * Release of Old Traumas* Better Relationships *
Loving Interactions
What are your needs? What are your intentions? Reiki can help !
$30. 1-month
$165. 6-months