Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reiki for Weight Control  3 Week Tele-Class
Wednesdays August 28, September 4 & 11th 
Dear marla,
 I have been asked many times, "Can reiki help me lose weight?" YES it can! And more importantly reiki can help control/balance your weight lovingly.
I have always been in the weight game. I was constantly worrying about my weight and obsessing over my body. I dealt with stress by compulsively eating and exercising. I was beating up my body and wasting A LOT of time thinking about my weight. Reiki gave me correct tools to deal with life. I learned how to deal with my body and weight with a loving approach. Reiki helped me find the root of why I was eating and obsessing. Reiki helped me to slow down and find a more loving approach to how I eat and move my body. Without reiki in my life, I would probably still be obsessed with food and my weight. Reiki helped me to shed my protective layers, find balance in my life and allow my real and true self to shine. I am in awe of the continual support reiki gives me.
I would like to share with you how to find releive through reiki in my upcoming Reiki for Weight Control Tele Class.
Love, Marla

Stress and our Weight

weight and stress
Many weight issues stem from stress in our lives. Running around, over extending one self, and over doing it. Whatever the reason, it is a known fact that stress causes weight gain. When you are overstressed and wired, the body will find ways to soothe itself. Food is often one way to deal with stress. We often over or compulsively eat to calm our nerves and ground us from the frantic pace of life.
Cortisol often known as the" stress hormone" is activated by the adrenals regulates the blood sugar, stimulates metabolism and provides energy for exercise and play. Cortisol is secreted when the body is in high stress either physically or emotionally. Research shows how chronic long-term stress and excess cortisol can be the cause of stubborn belly fat. On top of adding extra surges of energy that is rarely burnt off, cortisol often makes us crave comfort food.

Reiki for Weight Control 
3 Week Tele Class Details

August 31, September 4 & 11
Time: 7:00-8:00
Location: By Phone Registration Required
Investment: $75.
Sign UP before August 14th $60.



Follow-up Links

Reiki for Weight Control   
3 Week Tele-Class

August 31, September 4 & 11
Time: 7:00-8:00
Location: By Phone Registration Required
Investment: $75.
Sign UP before Aug. 14th $60.
Why Weight Control and Reiki?
Reiki reduces stress and encourages calmness and peace, so you are less likely to overeat and spike your cortisol levels.
Reiki will stabilize your appetite and remove unhealthy cravings.
Reiki provides tools that allow you to slow down and find balanced energy levels while still living a full and radiant life.
Reiki helps shed extra weight just by receiving regular sessions. Many people wear extra weight as armor & protection. Life can feel overwhelming and consuming and with extra weight it can give the illusion of protection. Because of the loving and protecting quality of reiki, it can replace that armor and allow for the real you to emerge.
Reiki lowers stress and blood pressure which allows for deeper sleep all of which assist in weight loss.
Reiki improves overall digestive functions and gradual detox.
Reiki can make you more intuitive, so it helps you  become in tune with your body's cues for nourishment and the willingness to listen.  
Reiki helps balance our chakras and assists us in being our ideal self.  
The better we feel about ourselves the more likely we are to make the best choices for our overall well being.

What will you learn?
  • What and how to eat? And create a healthy relationship with food.
  • How to listen to the body's cues for nourishment.
  • What the mind traps are keeping you from your desired weight.
  • Lower stress levels and balance the body's natural rhythm
  • Learn to love appreciate your body right now.
  • Application of reiki principles to weight loss.
  • Perfect exercise regime for yourself.
Do I have to be a reiki practitioner? 
No. Everyone has the ability to heal with their hands. With your focused and loving attention to heal, reiki will flow. Also, you will be receiving group distant healing sessions.

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