Thursday, November 14, 2013

Love Your Body for Moms and Pregancy Interview on Intuitive Mom Radio Show

Love Your Body for Moms and Pregnancy


Call in to speak with the host
(347) 850-8494
The physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and motherhood can trigger shame and insecurity around body image. This week, Reiki master and tantric teacher Marla Mervis-Hartmann will share with you how to let go of body shame through meditation, movement and breathing exercises, tips for being in the body, how to use reiki for weight control, and special tips for pregnancy and postpartum. You will learn to let go of Compare and Despair--society's influence on body dismorphia. Accept yourself. Be a juicy mama!

Marla Mervis-Hartmann empowers women to access a deeper level of Self Love through their bodies.  Her “Love Your Body Love Yourself” Coaching Program and Workshops teach how to have the right relationship with Body Image, Food and Weight.  
As a Living Light Reiki Master, Marla has taught reiki for over 10 years. She leads women’s tantra classes and is a yoga teacher. Marla’s on camera career has led her to numerous acting and hosting engagements, including the holistic healing talk shows, Pathways to Health and Voice America’s Radio Show, Live. Love. Thrive! Marla has traveled the world filming her ongoing project Transformational Travel.  Now a mother and wife, she enjoys her life in Ashland,Oregon where she focuses on supporting women to become their Fullest and Yummiest self!

Connect with Marla at 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reiki for Weight Control Course Recording Available

After just 3 weeks, many participants lost weight, however most importantly they shifted major belief patterns. These shifts have created a saner & more loving relationship with their food and body! If you'd like to receive a download of this "Reiki for Weight Control" Course, please email me.

Reiki for Weight Control Course Recording Available 

Check out what the Course Participants are saying.....

Marla is the most amazing, transformation teacher ever... Tonight's class was way beyond weight loss, she took us to a place of deep seeded self love and positive beliefs... I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to move forward in any area of their life, this 3 week series will really take you to that next level."

"I can't believe how much I love myself. I feel great. The weight is falling off and everyone is noticing."

"This course has helped me realize all the negative beliefs I have about my weight. Through the reiki and Marla's guidance and experience, I have been easily changing my behaviors and my weight is adjusting BEAUTIFULLY."

Reiki for Weight Control

Details: 3 Week tele- class Recording Available-as an email or a CD that I will ship to you.
$33 You will also receive follow up emails with instructions for deepening the class.


Love your Body Personal Coaching with Reiki

Love your Body Personal Coaching with Reiki
Do you want to feel good in your body? Do you want to be proud of what you look like? Do you want more confidence in your choices with food?
Then Love your Body ~ Love yourself Personal
Coaching is perfect for you! The coaching program will show youhow to love your body and love your life! You will learn how to make empowered and loving choices for your body. You will learn how to have the right relationship with your body, food and weight. Marla will design an individualized program for your immediate and unique goals.
It will include some of the following elements:
* Reiki Principles for Weight Control
* Personalized Life Coaching
* Distant Reiki Sessions
* Affirmation Work
* Journaling
* Sensual and Pleasure Activation
All coaching happens via phone or skype. You can join from anywhere in the

What you will receive:
* 6 One on One Skype Sessions
* 3 Ten Minute Phone Check-ins
* 2 Recorded Guided Meditations
* Love your Body Love Yourself Workbook
* More Surprise Goodies
Investment- Regular Value $1300- for YOU $1000
Payment Plan Option $333 per month

Contact Marla Mervis- 310-926-9163
Reiki for Weight Control  3 Week Tele-Class
Wednesdays August 28, September 4 & 11th 
Dear marla,
 I have been asked many times, "Can reiki help me lose weight?" YES it can! And more importantly reiki can help control/balance your weight lovingly.
I have always been in the weight game. I was constantly worrying about my weight and obsessing over my body. I dealt with stress by compulsively eating and exercising. I was beating up my body and wasting A LOT of time thinking about my weight. Reiki gave me correct tools to deal with life. I learned how to deal with my body and weight with a loving approach. Reiki helped me find the root of why I was eating and obsessing. Reiki helped me to slow down and find a more loving approach to how I eat and move my body. Without reiki in my life, I would probably still be obsessed with food and my weight. Reiki helped me to shed my protective layers, find balance in my life and allow my real and true self to shine. I am in awe of the continual support reiki gives me.
I would like to share with you how to find releive through reiki in my upcoming Reiki for Weight Control Tele Class.
Love, Marla

Stress and our Weight

weight and stress
Many weight issues stem from stress in our lives. Running around, over extending one self, and over doing it. Whatever the reason, it is a known fact that stress causes weight gain. When you are overstressed and wired, the body will find ways to soothe itself. Food is often one way to deal with stress. We often over or compulsively eat to calm our nerves and ground us from the frantic pace of life.
Cortisol often known as the" stress hormone" is activated by the adrenals regulates the blood sugar, stimulates metabolism and provides energy for exercise and play. Cortisol is secreted when the body is in high stress either physically or emotionally. Research shows how chronic long-term stress and excess cortisol can be the cause of stubborn belly fat. On top of adding extra surges of energy that is rarely burnt off, cortisol often makes us crave comfort food.

Reiki for Weight Control 
3 Week Tele Class Details

August 31, September 4 & 11
Time: 7:00-8:00
Location: By Phone Registration Required
Investment: $75.
Sign UP before August 14th $60.



Follow-up Links

Reiki for Weight Control   
3 Week Tele-Class

August 31, September 4 & 11
Time: 7:00-8:00
Location: By Phone Registration Required
Investment: $75.
Sign UP before Aug. 14th $60.
Why Weight Control and Reiki?
Reiki reduces stress and encourages calmness and peace, so you are less likely to overeat and spike your cortisol levels.
Reiki will stabilize your appetite and remove unhealthy cravings.
Reiki provides tools that allow you to slow down and find balanced energy levels while still living a full and radiant life.
Reiki helps shed extra weight just by receiving regular sessions. Many people wear extra weight as armor & protection. Life can feel overwhelming and consuming and with extra weight it can give the illusion of protection. Because of the loving and protecting quality of reiki, it can replace that armor and allow for the real you to emerge.
Reiki lowers stress and blood pressure which allows for deeper sleep all of which assist in weight loss.
Reiki improves overall digestive functions and gradual detox.
Reiki can make you more intuitive, so it helps you  become in tune with your body's cues for nourishment and the willingness to listen.  
Reiki helps balance our chakras and assists us in being our ideal self.  
The better we feel about ourselves the more likely we are to make the best choices for our overall well being.

What will you learn?
  • What and how to eat? And create a healthy relationship with food.
  • How to listen to the body's cues for nourishment.
  • What the mind traps are keeping you from your desired weight.
  • Lower stress levels and balance the body's natural rhythm
  • Learn to love appreciate your body right now.
  • Application of reiki principles to weight loss.
  • Perfect exercise regime for yourself.
Do I have to be a reiki practitioner? 
No. Everyone has the ability to heal with their hands. With your focused and loving attention to heal, reiki will flow. Also, you will be receiving group distant healing sessions.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Love your Body Love Yourself- Body Image workshop for Women

Do you love your Body?
Spend a day to find  your "Yes!" Love your Body Love Yourself
Ever since I can remember, I have had an issue with my body. I was always concerned about what I looked like and did many things to control my weight; over-exercising, under eating, throwing up... the whole myriad of choices a desperate woman has. And NOTHING I did ever really helped my disgust and body shame. I would lament and cry and ultimately sooth myself with food, which would make the situation even worse. It didn't matter what I weighed. I remember getting on the scale to find that I was the thinnest I had ever been. I was shocked. I cried and cried, because I was never so unhappy. It was on that day, my illusion was shattered~ being thin DID NOT equal being happy!  When I think of the amount of wasted hours I spent worrying & despairing over my body it makes me so sad. 
I know that I am not alone. I find that it doesn't matter the shape or size of a women, many of us share this disgust for our bodies. I have been on the road to recovery for years. I have received the help in many forms; Overeaters Anonymous, Therapy and supportive family & friends. The tools that I have found with Reiki and Tantra have shown me to love myself unconditionally! Reiki helped me to slow down and release stress so I didn't overeat and then belittle myself for what I look like. Tantra has helped me tremendously too! I have learned how feeling good in my body and owning my pleasure and sensuality is one of the most beautiful aspects of a woman. I would like to share these tools with you.
Love Your Body Love Yourself is a workshop that I am extremely passionate about.  I feel that the Cultural Epidemic of Body Self Hate is out of control. Society has taught women that we aren't worthy of love unless we are a certain size. I say, "BULL *%$&." As women, we need to support each other and appreciate each other in all our beautiful forms.

Please join me to learn Body Loving tools that will change your life forever!

"It's all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit." Eartha Kitt
Love your Body~Love Yourself
 Body Image Workshop for Women
Body image dissatisfaction is a growing epidemic. By over emphasizing our looks, society has taught women to constantly judge and dislike our bodies!
Love your Body Love Yourself is a journey into stopping the insanity and loving ourselves RIGHT NOW!!!

Through Movement Exercises, Breathwork ,Visualizations and Heartfelt Support from the group, you will experience the release of body shame, opening of the pleasure body and how to shift negative body image to positive. You will discover  How  to  Love yourself- RIGHT NOW.
You will learn how to:

Stop the Constant Body Shame Chatter
Get on with your life
Say Yes to how you look NOW
Accept Yourself~Feel your Beauty
Feel your own pleasure and juiciness
Let Go of the unworthy story
Stop Compare and Despair
Date: Saturday, June 22
Location: The Love Dome, Santa Monica
Time: 9:30-4:30
Investment: $75
Registration contact Marla

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What being married and pregnant has taught me about love, relationship and tantra.............

Dear marla,
This is such a special time in my life. There has been so manyMarla Tantra
openings and expansions that I wish to share with you.  Within this year, I have married the most beautiful heartfelt man and became pregnant soon afterward. These changes have allowed me to reflect on all that I have learned in regards to love, relationship and tantra. With each new experience in my life, I am noticing how my ideas of love are expanding.

With my marriage in its first year, I have found the stability of a relationship where my love can flow freely. This has allowed me to discover new layers of vulnerability that I can safely explore. It has taught me the tantric and reiki principle of love without expectation. I am learning how to keep my heart open regardless of pain and anger. This is so profound, because I realize that when I close my heart it ultimately hurts me the most.

Being pregnant, has allowed me to embody my true womanly nature. I feel the softness and quietness that my soul hungers for; along with fierce primal energy that often explodes through me.
As I joyfully accept the new role of Mother, I have found that I am mourning my old identity as the single, independent woman. This healthy letting go is reminding me that I am not any 1 identity. I embody all aspects of womanhood...

This has prompted the questioning, "what is it that connects us all as women?" Married, single, with child or not, young or old............ We are soft and we are fierce. We are compassionate and strong. We are intuitive and deeply connected to mother earth. We are emotional and nurturing.
And the list goes on and on.
No matter where we are in our journey as woman, we have a constant opportunity to embrace our feminine and to support the blossoming of women around us.

Tantric practices have supported me greatly during this time. I am remembering when I first found tantra and started studying, I remember the excitement of the freedom to express my sexuality and sensuality. It was scary and liberating at the same time. I remember how loving it felt and how much I enjoyed the idea of sacred sexuality. And through this study, I felt my heart shine and pleasure grow. 

I desire to share this with you before I retreat to Kauai to give birth. This is a potent time to gather as women and a ripe opportunity to hold space and support each other.
In my upcoming Women's Tantra Class we will explore the authentic sensual nature that makes us women. I long to be surrounded by my sisters and to create a field where we can embrace and embody all aspects of our magnificence.

Please join me~


Click here for more information

Embody the Awakening- Women's Tantra Workshop 
Through the togetherness of the feminine spirit, we will share an experience of love, touch, exploration and joy. We will explore our bodies and sensuality, shed blocks and limitations, & open to deeper levels of love. As we awaken through the healing power of tantra, we will EMBODY our MAGNIFICENCE and RADIANCE.
Embody the Awakening
  • Feel Freedom to experience ALL of you
  • Reveal your Vitality through Ecstatic Breath practices
  • Take the lid off - Be the Full Sensuous Woman that you innately are!
  • Awaken your Sexual Energy
  • Dissolve fears and integrate your Magnificence
  • Slow down with awareness and access deeper spaces within
  • Improve your relationships and your sex life.
  • Stop comparing yourself!  Feel the nourishment of authentically showing up in a sacred women's circle.
Date: November 17 & 18  
Time: 10:00am-5:00
Investment- Reduced Price of $250
$25 off each friend referred to workshop 
Pre-registration required 
Location: Upon registration

Body-Heart Bliss Tantric-Reiki Tele-Seminar

Body-Heart Bliss

Tantric-Reiki Tele-Seminar

Body Heart Bliss is an invitation to resonate at high frequencies of love, tap deeper into your intuition and release pain by accessing ecstasy and joy.
Through the combination of Reiki and Tantra Practices we will explore:

*Resonating with Love, rather than craving it.
*Trusting your Intuition by accessing the heart of Kundalini Energy
*Allowing Reiki & Tantra to release physical pain & create a hub for Pleasure
*Creating the framework to manifest your true purpose
*Sharing deeper capacity for intimacy
*Opening the Body & Heart to deeper Levels of Bliss
*Healing through powerful movement & breath practices
*Bringing Universal Life Force into all Chakras
Wednesdays, April 10, 17, 24 & May 1
7:00-8:30pm PST
Investment $100.
Register by contacting Marla 