Thursday, March 5, 2015

Puking My Guts Out and other events

Dear Friends,
Recently, a friend asked me, "How was your Christmas?"
Without hesitation, I said "Fabulous!"  Wait a second, I spent about 7 days of my 12 day holiday with my family in Pittsburgh with the flu...throwing up and all the other happenings that occur when sick. (I will spare you the details.)
As I write this letter, there is part of me that says, "Really Marla, you were puking your guts out? It SUCKED! Don't 'try' to make it positive."
Yes! Being sick was NO fun, but in hindsight, I was given a great opportunity to release everything that was non-integrated and undigested physically and symbolically.
I was arriving in 2015 fresh with clean slate. There were some days after the active sickness where my body wanted NOTHING! Although at times I was extremely hungry, my body would reject it. It reminds me of times I let go of undesired beliefs, behaviors or relationships. The tendency is to hurry up & fill the space with something new and different or better. When in actuality, I need to sit in emptiness, I need to integrate the pause, the new awareness.
Being sick wasn't fun. But I do feel lighter, clearer, & more available for the newness of the year. I feel hopeful.
I don't recommend getting sick to feel hopeful or clearer. However, if you do; pause and look a little deeper, and if possible, allow your experience to enrich your life.


LIVING LIGHT REIKI CIRCLE Wednesday January 28th @7:30-9:00pm

Learn more about Reiki, Share in a guided meditation, Experience a Wellness Circle, & receive a mini Reiki session. [Reiki Reduces stress, Calms your mind; relaxes your body.
I look forward to sharing this experience with new Reiki friends and invite all the regular attendees to COME BACK!!!  
Ready for Transformation?
Become a Living Light Reiki 1 Practitioner
February 5 & 6

REIKI 1 provides you with the tools for centering yourself,
increasing self-confidence,& assisting you in manifesting your innermost desires. Once you are attuned to the energy, it is with you for life. You are taught the ancient technique to access your Higher Self for improved creativity, clarity, and intent of purpose.
You'll receive 4 powerful attunements, learn hand positions for self and other, experience 2 guided meditations and discuss the spiritual aspects of reiki & how to use these in your life! 

Date: February 5 & 6
Investment: $350
Location: Santa Monica
Interested in REIKI Advanced Practitioner?
A new class is forming!!!!
*Deepen your Practice
*Receive 5 Powerful Reiki Symbols
*Learn Intuitive Diagnostics *Receive More Reiki Attunements

Marla Mervis-Hartmann
Please contact me for more information on Classes, Workshops and Private Sessions...including Long Distance.
310-926-9163 | E-mail | Website

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