Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beautiful Poem


by Tielbard de Chardin
The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of LOVE.
And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world we shall have discovered fire.

I think this poem is so beautiful. To me it reminds me of the power of Love! And how love wakes me up in the morning. Through the quiet and stillness I find love... through nature I find love....through the fire of my own passion I find love....

How do you find Love?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. A powerful poem, indeed. Thanks!

    I find love by working at being who I am, and looking where I'm going. And I feel the most powerful love when I come across others looking in the same directions as me. When I feel the rush of gooseflesh like I did when I read your quote from Teilhard de Chardin.

    Teilhard de Chardin's poem reminds me of T.S. Eliot's description of experience, which is one my favoritest quotes of all times, "We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all the exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
